Sunday, May 10, 2009

May 9th, Tour Day 18 – Cambridge

Finally, a day without hours spent on the coach. We all love Rob, our driver, however many of us were getting tired of sitting on the coach so much! We had a free morning and then met at the Round Church to perform a 45 minute recital. The recital went fairly well and then we loaded onto the coach for a 20 minute ride to a town close by where we had, tea and then our final performance of the tour.

This was truly one of the best performances of the tour.

After the performance we spent some time sharing on the bus. There were many teary eyes as we approach the end of our adventure together. We are all heading in different directions now. Some are returning to Winnipeg or other places in Canada. Some are staying in England for a few days. And others are backpacking to different places in Europe. It has been a fantastic tour.

Here are a few pictures from this day:

Performing at the Round Church in Cambridge

Practicing at St. Andrew's Church, Oakington:

A final picture of us all, taken in the church gardens (but we are missing Jocelyne, Nicole, Megan, Randall, Olive and Chris):

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